Thursday, August 14, 2014

Boat Days of Summer... and Water Days Too

Tanner and I bought a boat last year, and have really enjoyed our first full summer using it. To say Fisher loves it would be a gross understatement. He LOVESSSSS it! Such a water baby... Loves to fish... Fits right in.


We have also spend an enormous amount of time in various water locations this summer... Be it the ocean, a pool, a splash pad, or a random blow up pool... We are there!

Fisher and Sammy are besties!
He might not look thrilled about it, but he graduated swim school!
Showing Sofie the ropes at the Splash Pad.

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you all had such a fun summer. My husband just boat and he can't wait to take it out to Seattle next summer and fish. He already has the entire trip plan. Like your son, my husband is also a water baby!
